The race to building a better Internet is on – Trace Labs leads the way in establishing Web3 foundations with Internet and industry pioneers

What Google did for Internet search, Trace Labs Web3 development company is doing for physical and digital assets like NFTs, making them discoverable and verifiable. Supported by world-class partners and a newly formed advisory board of Internet and industry pioneers, the company’s new open source Web3 tools allow users to connect all assets in the growing OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph. This is driving value based on the law of network effects – Metcalfe’s law.

Trace Labs link together two powerful technologies – blockchains, most widely known to underpin cryptocurrencies, and knowledge graphs, the intelligent data management component driving data platforms like Google, Amazon and Facebook. After launching in early 2019, the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph supported by an open network of over 2.000 nodes hosted by both individuals and businesses globally, has seen its initial use in enabling discoverability and verifiability of real world assets in supply chains.

One such example of this is SCAN Trusted Factory, where OriginTrail is used to safeguard security audit reports for the largest US retailers with a combined annual turnover of over USD 1.36 trillion like Home Depot, Walmart, and Target. Another powerful use of OriginTrail is AidTrust, a product developed jointly with British Standards Institution (BSI), which brings visibility and trust to pharmaceutical supply chains by connecting data from manufacturers, NGOs, and in-country distribution networks.

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